Top Tips for People Learning to Use Commercial Kitchen Equipment for the First Time

Learning is an essential factor that determines your future performance and efficiency at work. While you might think that you need to learn everything only by experience, learning it from an expert is a much more comfortable and logical way to begin. Commercial kitchen equipment is much different than the ones used in the household cooking units. You might not need any special training to use the residential cooking tools, but professional training is necessary to use commercial cooking and catering equipment with maximum efficiency and minimum hazards. 

Appliances and devices used in a restaurant are not only bigger but also more powerful and hence carry more risk during operation. Learning how to use them in the right way can minimize the chance of any safety hazards and help you have the best efficiency at operating it, which is crucial to succeeding in your career. 


If you are in the hospitality industry, when learning to use the professional equipment for the first time, keep the following tips in mind,  


Pay attention to your trainer


This is obvious, and yet so many people miss out. When you are learning to use the tools from a skilled trainer, pay full attention at everything he or she says and shows you. The operation of the tools might look simple on the hand of your mentor, but it will not be that easy for you, at least for the first few times. So, pay full attention even at the minute things. Try to grab every detail about how your mentor is opening a device, filling, and operating it.


Give it a try 


If the situation permits, request the trainer to observe you while you are using the device. This might not be possible if the training is going on in a large group, but for small groups or individual training, you will always have the option. Handling the tool in the presence of your trainer is the quickest way to understand the operations while minimizing any associated risks.


Do not go your way 


Instead of trying to use the device in your way from the very beginning, it is only wise to try to imitate the operations of your instructor when you are learning to use it for the first time. Observe the hand movements of your trainer and how gracefully he is using the device and try to imitate that.


We are not saying you should not have your style, but when it comes to the commercial catering equipment, there is only one best way, and that is the way your instructor will teach you. However, once you are a pro on the device, you can always come up with your styles, if you feel the need. 


Nothing is ‘not important’


Starting from how to plug in the device, to when to switch it off and how to clean the appliance – everything is essential to master the art of operating the equipment efficiently in a commercial setup. Also, try to focus and study the operations of all the devices, irrespective of its size or use. During a busy workday, you might need to operate any of the appliances used in the kitchen, so having some idea about all of them will certainly help. 


Apart from the operations, also try to grab information about the commercial kitchen supplier for the unit. During immediate needs or issues with any of the devices, the supplier can help you with practical solutions and suggestions.   



Adjust with the speed 


One of the primary aspects that differentiate a restaurant kitchen from a residential one is the speed. Restaurants prepare a large volume of delicious dishes within minimum time. Furthermore, the unit might be preparing several dishes at the same time, depending on the orders. 


There is always the obligation to minimize the waiting time for your customers, which is a crucial factor directly related to customer satisfaction. So, if you are planning to have a career in the commercial kitchen, getting accustomed to the speed from the very first day can be helpful. Try to learn from your trainer how to leverage the power of the advanced appliances to reduce processing and cooking time. 


Have the right attitude


When you are gathering knowledge on how to use the kitchen equipment for the first time, it is essential to have the right attitude that supports learning and growth. After your training, once you start working, you will have many new things to know every day.


Having the right attitude can be most helpful for self-growth at this stage. Maintain a cordial relationship with your seniors, and also with your juniors with more experience in the kitchen. Always try to listen to what they have to say and follow their instructions or ask for help if something seems off about a device.


Follow all the safety precautions


Not only for the beginners but even for the experienced professionals following all the safety measures while operating a commercial tool is essential. Every appliance for commercial cooking comes with a user manual from the commercial kitchen equipment supplier.

It covers all the instructions and precautions to ensure maximum safety during operation. You can also find information on how to use and clean the device properly for safe use and maximum longevity in this manual. For any first-time users, it is crucial to have thorough knowledge about these instructions.


To sum it up, people studying the use of commercial kitchen appliances should pay full attention to the instructor and maintain an attitude that supports learning. Keep in mind that every bit of information said by your trainer is essential and you should follow them word by word instead of trying something new. It is also crucial to have a good idea about the instructions provided by the commercial kitchen supplier Sydney. If the instruction manual is not available, you can always check out the website of the supplier for details about the appliance and any use instructions or safety precautions. While you might learn more while working in the kitchen, grabbing as much information and tips possible directly from your instructor is a wise way to start.



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